Monday, May 28, 2012

First Sunburn and Jobs

So I took advantage of the day off to get a sunburn while washing cars with my sister and reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets for awhile this afternoon. I got in some good piano practice time and read a fanfiction online. (Which I haven't done in a really long time) Tomorrow I start working full-time for the summer and I'm super excited!! I don't mind the waking up at 7am-I haven't slept back 7:30 in who knows how long anyway-or spending 8 hours with a bunch of crazy kids. I do hate the fact that I don't have as much time to play piano, be creative or go outside when the sun is still up high, but other than that I don't care.

I don't mind the sunburn, cause I know it will tan nice and if I can manage staying outside as much as possible until camp I should have a nice base tan to keep from getting to burnt. Unlike my sisters, who burn but don't tan, my burns turn tan pretty fast. So while I still might be the palest person I know, at least I tan in the summer!!

Bedtime now. My finals words, everyone should go to youtube and look up TobyMac's song "Me Without You", thats the only place that has it that I know of right now. Its good :) so go do it!!!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Young vs Old

I don't understand what makes adults think that they are so much smarter and better off than us teens or young adults. Now let me explain. I know that adults have more responsibility than we do, and I respect that. They have jobs, families, stuff we don't have to deal with yet. But at times it really ticks me off when they look at us as if we don't have any idea of what we are talking about. It's as if we don't need to have any opinion at all!

Growing up this is kinda okay. The whole children should be seen and not heard thing? I can understand that to a point, and adults know way better than kids, and kids are still in that learning stage where everything has to be explained. But by the time we reach older teens young adults, how are we supposed to start standing on our own two feet and making our own decisions unless we have a voice?

Supposedly adults always know best, are always right, and always deserve our respect in everything they do.

Now yes, adults have a lot more experience than we do, they've lived longer. And while they might have been right about you not going to that movie with your friends because it wasn't the best idea in the world, that doesn't mean they were right in keeping you home from spending the night with a friend. And respect, yes we should always respect our elders, but that doesn't mean as we become adults ourselves we can't lose our respect for them. (Please don't think I'm giving out excuses, even if you don't hold someone in the highest respect, everyone deserves to be treated with respect.)

The thing that really annoys me though is how many adults think of themselves as superior to us, simply because they are adults. They are more mature, past trivial things that we do and just are in general better. Really, they aren't to much.

One of my favorite movies is House Arrest. It's an older movie with Jamie Lee Curtis in it. The basic plot is a boy, Grover, and his sister lock their parents in the basement because they are separating. As the film goes on, other kids catch wind of the plan and bring their own parents with problems of their own to the basement in an attempt to have them work out their problems. The gangly crew consists of Grover, his sister, his best friend along with his two younger brothers, the most popular girl in school and the school bully. While the kids have their own problems getting along before this, they all bond and become great friends. As they sit around the dinning room table getting along, one makes the comment that the adults could learn from them. These different kids all managed to get along and work out their differences without any adult interference. Yet their own parents were arguing and splitting in their marriages.

Last weekend a friend and I drove to the Louisiana Boardwalk for the day. As we were leaving, we made a wrong turn which took us into Shreveport instead of back to I-20. Instead of freaking out and panicking, we kept our heads on and figured there must be a sign leading us back to where we wanted somewhere. Sure enough, the blue sign for I-20 popped up and we enjoyed the scenic tour. We started talking about how our parents always reacted when they made a wrong turn or got lost. Our moms started going into full navigator mode, even if they weren't needed. "Okay dear, turn here, or there, or up there. Or you could pull over and ask for directions! Now there has to be a sign around her somewhere." Our dads would stick to these two phrases: "Shut up" and "I know what I'm doing!" while they drove around with steam coming out of their ears. This is pretty much how it goes. They get lost, flip out, lose all common sense and while the way out might be short, the tempers are even shorter and normally end with everyone in the car not talking until the storm has passed.

I'm sure a lot of kids around my age have heard their parents or other adults say that we need to get over our problems with our peers and just learn to get along, because that's what you do when you grow up. I was under the impression as a kid that all adults got along, drama was for middle school and while you might not like someone a whole lot when you are older, they would never stoop so low as to do something mean to another adult.

Oh how wrong I was.

I have seen some adults who are worse than any teen or preteen I have ever met. You still have your people who get mad at everyone else and cause fights. Then there are the drama addicts who can't seem to stay away from getting involved in a real-life soap opera. You have your gossipers, you're backstabbers, those people who are just over all pains, loudmouths, spoiled brats, pretty much everything you've ever imagined. I know of a few people who cause more problems then they solve and everyone sees it. They like to think they are doing everyone a great service, only making things better, but they are so off base!

As I grow older and see more and more happenings between adults I have decided that in a way we never grow up to be adults. I think a better explanation is that we just simply become older teens.

*I know I have some adults who read my writing, and I hope that I haven't offended anybody. Its just my thoughts and observances.

**When I refer to teens here, and in a lot of my writing, I mean older teens, like 17-19 yrs, maybe 16. Now that I'm in my last year as a teen, I really see the maturity gap between a 13yr and a 19yr, and its bigger than I thought it was. So most of the time, I don't mean young teens, I mean the older ones who are preparing to launch into the world.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What's Right and Wrong?

(Warning: Kind of a serious rant here...Some things may not want to be read or put images into your head you might not like...And I'm speaking of generations as a whole, I know there are exceptions to everything so don't think its directly towards you.)

What kind of world do we live in?

A young boy I know, just in Jr. High, had oral sex with a girl and doesn't seem to understand how that is wrong. A girl I know, she's still only 18, was slipped a rape drug, had sex with a guy and miscarried about a month later. Passed out a 5 week fetus. She told me it was traumatic, and yet I'm sure she's still going out to parties and still sleeping with her boyfriend. I'm sure a good number of people I know have done something stupid they know they shouldn't do, but they did it anyway. I see 5th grade girls who look and act like they are 17. When I was in Jr. High, I was talking to my best friends about our crushes, the cute guys in the movies, the college age waiter at a restaurant who was WAY to old for us and losing my homework. Now days I hear about Jr. High girls losing their virginity and having kids. High School isn't much better from what I hear.

Kids go out and party, college students, I know a MOTHER who goes and loses her head on the weekends. But no one ever stands up and talks to people about the things they do, try to help them see how what they are doing is stupid. Most of us just except it now as part of life. Girls go out, get pregnant, who are we to judge? Boys go get drunk, sleep with any girl who will give themselves up, and do we condemn it as wrong? No. Is it really our business, in a way yes.

Now can we go around the clubs, schools, parties and places like that, get all up in peoples faces and tell them that they are messing up? No, that's rude and inconsiderate! No one's perfect, so we can't pretend we are some super person who is. We have to start with the ones we know. Parents, grandparents, you raised this generation...its not completely our fault we turned out this way. Teens, kids, young adults-we're stupid and reckless. Lets get over ourselves, okay? If we want to fix this, we have to start now.

Parents, if you don't talk about stuff like this to your kids, who will? The school system? They only care about this when it refers to groups as a whole. The whole purpose of having parents is for them to teach us how to live our lives, tell us what is right from wrong. You can't just skip your kids off to school and expect them to turn out as fine, outstanding citizens of whatever town you live in. You are our parents, you are supposed to be our teachers, and if you don't like that I'm sorry. Maybe you should have thought about that before having kids. Your teaching never stops. And when you get older, whatever you taught us will be taught to your grand kids. Every generation of parents is charged with the upbringing of the next generation, something that should not be taken lightly.

Kids (teens, college students, whoever isn't a parent), we need to open our ears and listen. At least show curtsey and respect. I know some people don't really deserve it, but as our elders, they need at least a little. Also we have brains, lets use them every once in a while shall we? Everywhere we look we are told to think "in the moment" and to seek out pleasure...but think about how what you do tonight, or tomorrow night, can affect your entire future. Girls-you may go to a party and even though you think it will never happen to you, you get slipped a drug. You wake up, disorganized, confused, and in some boys bed. A few weeks later you might be passing just a few weeks old fetus during your period, or you may find out that its still living and you're pregnant. Boys-one night of fun may not turn out so great a few months later when you get a call that your girlfriend is having your baby.

Drugs and alcohol are not cool, they can do a whole lot of damage to your body and your brain. Smoking is disgusting, have you seen what happens to people who smoke for years? Just by looking at them, you can tell they smoke. We aren't immortal...we aren't above the law... we make a lot of mistakes and they will have consequences for them...

Like I said, we can't just go out and start protesting in the streets and making a scene. But we can start with those close to us. Our friends, our family. Your kids, your grand-kids, your best friend. We can be the small stones that start an avalanche. We can be the spark that ignites a flame.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Schools Out, Let Summer Begin!!!!

I apologize for my VERY extended leave of absence. But the good news is now finals are DONE and I can spend a few weeks relaxing before starting work full time and hitting a crazy school schedule.

2 of our duck eggs have hatched!!!! Yoda and Carter! (I have absolutely no say in the names, all my sisters choice.) Yoda came into the world yesterday and he hates being alone, but cuddling up against us is fine. Cater is still in the incubator cause he just made an appearance a few hours ago and is to wet to come out yet. I hope the noise from Yoda will die some when we put the two of them together tomorrow!

I am farewell!!!