SORRY!! I apologize for my absence, but such is the life of a college student.
Saturday was my sisters high school banquet and I spent all afternoon doing their hair and makeup. Then that evening I went out with some friends for my birthday and watched Titanic in 3D. I haven't seen it before so of course I liked it, but the 3D wasn't the best. Anyway, got out after midnight, took a friend home, went home myself and crashed.
Sunday was my actual birthday, and it was just long and tedious to tell the truth. I had two tests to study for, everyone was tired and on nerves because no one was in bed before 1am (and the other members of my family can't stay up that late without being cranky) and just overall in a bad mood. That and my birthday kinda sneaked up on everyone, so we didn't really have anything planned for it. But its alright, I ended it by watching the new Winnie the Pooh movie.
Monday-Tests. Tests. Tests. I'm so ready for school to be out! I did get some long awaited news from the school I'm transferring too, so that put a bright spot on the day. But the best thing was the late birthday package from my sister in MS. Her mom gave me these cute silver Tinker Bell earrings and one of those 3D type Disney Princess cups and my sister gave me the Broadway Beauty and the Beast soundtrack, a plaque with a Lion King Quote, and a collectors plate showing the presentation of Simba from the Lion King. Get the feeling I'm a Disney fan?
Today I've completed my English final paper which I will turn in tomorrow, and then I have to give an oral presentation on Monday and I can just sit back and relax in English until finals! Yippie!
So now I am going to go celebrate by doing something that doesn't involve staring at a computer screen. Until next time!
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