Its early in the morning, this is the second to last time I'll sleep in my bed until November. I've been up watching movies and making bracelets. Today's (yesterday, but since I haven't slept yet it's today) been, kinda a stressful day. Nothing seemed to go the way I planned it too. Things I expected to complete had to be postponed to tomorrow, things that should have been done last week are still left unfinished simply because its out of my control. I have no motivation to get up and start packing, so it was incredibly easy to go off and help my mom with something, or practice volleyball with my sister, or go play the piano. I'm really stressing over this college stuff.
I'm so ready to move out and get on my own its suffocating! But all the same, I don't feel ready. I look around me and see other kids who are my age and younger, but they all seem like the older college students I looked up to as a 10yr old. I look in the mirror and don't see an almost 20 year old girl, I still see the selfconcious girl in 7th grade who was terrified of speaking up in a new place.
I can be a little apprehensive about the future, I'd be crazy not to be! I think what I'm trying to say can be summed up in a scene from C.S. Lewis' "Prince Caspian". Aslan is telling Caspian that he is a king of Narnia and Caspian tells him that he does not think that he is ready for it. Aslan calms his fears by saying "it is for that very reason, that I know you are".
48 hours from right now, I'll be sleeping (hopefully) somewhere in a hotel waiting for the sun to rise and a new adventure to begin. About 7 1/2 hours later, I'll be driving in the front gate and the adventure will begin. Tomorrow I'm going to try and take my own advice and just let things
happen. I'm not going to stress about packing or getting things done,
just do it and do it all with a smile on my face!
Here's to all you college students out there. Whether you're going back to college, whether you're starting college, hey this even goes for you high school kids! Life's an adventure. Don't be afraid to step out and enjoy it.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Sunday, August 19, 2012
A New Chapter
This week I'll be starting a new chapter in my life by moving off to college! My dad mentioned in church last Sunday about how people should ask me how it happened that I found this school. Well no one did, but thats okay. I"ll write it here and maybe if you want to read it you can.
Last September I really felt the need to get out of my hometown and go somewhere on my own. I wanted to go to a new school and actually be away from home. One of my best friends from out of state was in his senior year of high school and he was looking for schools as well. We both wanted to go to a Christian school, that was really important to us. I told him I was going to look for a new school about the same time that he was changing his life plan so he suggested that we look for schools together. His mom had printed out a list of all the Christian schools within 12 hours of their house; which meant that they were anywhere from 6-18 hours away from me.
He was looking for schools with a good ministry program while I wasn't entirely sure, so I went with something I loved-theatre. His mom went through and crossed out all the ones that were out of our price range so all we had to do was look through a list about half the size of what it was. He'd read a name off the list and we'd both go to the website and look it over, if we liked it we'd write it down to inspect closer later. By the end of the day, we each had 4 schools that we liked. 3 of them were the same. We had to get off the computer then, so we prayed over the schools on our list and were going to look closer the next day. This was Thursday.
So Friday we got back on the computer and pulled back up the schools. The 1 school that we each picked that was different from the other we really chose so that way we'd have a different choice than the other so it didn't seem like we were only picking schools that we could go to together. We just both liked the same schools and they offered what we really liked. So we crossed that first school off fairly quick. That left us with College of the Ozarks, Blue Mountain College, and William Carey University. We spent an hour or two going over each school. For different reasons, either it was we didn't like the program they offered us, didn't like the location, didn't like how it was set up, we crossed off the first two schools from our list. I found it a little funny that it was the same school, when neither of us thought that was really an option to go to school at the same place. We agreed to pray about it and later on in the weekend we'd decide if that was really where God wanted us.
Saturday we both received confirmation from God that was almost impossible to miss that He wanted us both at William Carey. So while my best friend was completely sure about it and he could start working towards it, I still had to find a way to get my dad on board. I knew I was supposed to go, but I knew how my dad felt about me studying theatre. So then I just had to pray for a way to tell my dad about it.
My parents had wanted me to take a test that told you different things that you might be good at. I wasn't really into it, but I went ahead and did it the following Tuesday. I was given a bunch of little booklets that had different vocations on them that I might be good at. One stood out to me-Music Therapy. The more I looked at it, the more I liked it. I showed it to my mom and she felt like I would be good at it and it was something I could spend my life doing. So I decided that I was going to go to study Music Therapy, but now I needed a school that offered it. I had already decided I liked W.C.U., but what if they didn't have Music Therapy?
I went to the College Board website and did a college search. Its actually pretty fun, you can chose what states you want to go to, what programs you'd like, if its a small/medium/large school, all boys, all girls, stuff like that. So I did a search and the only limitations I put on it was it had to offer Music Therapy as a major and it had to be a Baptist college. When it showed me the results of the search, there was only one school on the list. William Carey University.
I was ecstatic! I knew the Saturday before that I was supposed to be going to W.C.U., I just needed a way to go, and here it was. So this weekend I'll be moving into my dorm along with my best friend, but also my "sister" will be my roommate, and another close friend will be going there as well! My best friend has a roommate from his hometown that he knew a little bit, and one of my girl friends has a friend going there as well, so I have a group of 5 people that I have met in some form or fashion.
God really does provide, and its so interesting to see how he works things out. If you had told me that I'd be going to school with 2 of my best friends, I wouldn't have believed you. If you had told me how I was going to find myself at this school, it would have seemed far fetched. But God is good, and He works things out according to His plan and purpose. All I have to do is hold on, keep up, and enjoy the ride.
Last September I really felt the need to get out of my hometown and go somewhere on my own. I wanted to go to a new school and actually be away from home. One of my best friends from out of state was in his senior year of high school and he was looking for schools as well. We both wanted to go to a Christian school, that was really important to us. I told him I was going to look for a new school about the same time that he was changing his life plan so he suggested that we look for schools together. His mom had printed out a list of all the Christian schools within 12 hours of their house; which meant that they were anywhere from 6-18 hours away from me.
He was looking for schools with a good ministry program while I wasn't entirely sure, so I went with something I loved-theatre. His mom went through and crossed out all the ones that were out of our price range so all we had to do was look through a list about half the size of what it was. He'd read a name off the list and we'd both go to the website and look it over, if we liked it we'd write it down to inspect closer later. By the end of the day, we each had 4 schools that we liked. 3 of them were the same. We had to get off the computer then, so we prayed over the schools on our list and were going to look closer the next day. This was Thursday.
So Friday we got back on the computer and pulled back up the schools. The 1 school that we each picked that was different from the other we really chose so that way we'd have a different choice than the other so it didn't seem like we were only picking schools that we could go to together. We just both liked the same schools and they offered what we really liked. So we crossed that first school off fairly quick. That left us with College of the Ozarks, Blue Mountain College, and William Carey University. We spent an hour or two going over each school. For different reasons, either it was we didn't like the program they offered us, didn't like the location, didn't like how it was set up, we crossed off the first two schools from our list. I found it a little funny that it was the same school, when neither of us thought that was really an option to go to school at the same place. We agreed to pray about it and later on in the weekend we'd decide if that was really where God wanted us.
Saturday we both received confirmation from God that was almost impossible to miss that He wanted us both at William Carey. So while my best friend was completely sure about it and he could start working towards it, I still had to find a way to get my dad on board. I knew I was supposed to go, but I knew how my dad felt about me studying theatre. So then I just had to pray for a way to tell my dad about it.
My parents had wanted me to take a test that told you different things that you might be good at. I wasn't really into it, but I went ahead and did it the following Tuesday. I was given a bunch of little booklets that had different vocations on them that I might be good at. One stood out to me-Music Therapy. The more I looked at it, the more I liked it. I showed it to my mom and she felt like I would be good at it and it was something I could spend my life doing. So I decided that I was going to go to study Music Therapy, but now I needed a school that offered it. I had already decided I liked W.C.U., but what if they didn't have Music Therapy?
I went to the College Board website and did a college search. Its actually pretty fun, you can chose what states you want to go to, what programs you'd like, if its a small/medium/large school, all boys, all girls, stuff like that. So I did a search and the only limitations I put on it was it had to offer Music Therapy as a major and it had to be a Baptist college. When it showed me the results of the search, there was only one school on the list. William Carey University.
I was ecstatic! I knew the Saturday before that I was supposed to be going to W.C.U., I just needed a way to go, and here it was. So this weekend I'll be moving into my dorm along with my best friend, but also my "sister" will be my roommate, and another close friend will be going there as well! My best friend has a roommate from his hometown that he knew a little bit, and one of my girl friends has a friend going there as well, so I have a group of 5 people that I have met in some form or fashion.
God really does provide, and its so interesting to see how he works things out. If you had told me that I'd be going to school with 2 of my best friends, I wouldn't have believed you. If you had told me how I was going to find myself at this school, it would have seemed far fetched. But God is good, and He works things out according to His plan and purpose. All I have to do is hold on, keep up, and enjoy the ride.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Hello Everyone :) In December I'm going to be going off to Peru on a mission trip. I'm so excited for it!! Although the preparing part isn't so nice. I've put off sending out letters for awhile sadly, so I've popped in the Zorro movies and plan to work on all that while watching with my little sister.
Sadly, today was my last day of work at the daycare. It was pretty sad...I've worked there for over a year. But its been good, and hopefully I can return next year :)
Here is a first draft of my mission letter, I'd love it if everyone could pray for me and the team I am joining!!
Sadly, today was my last day of work at the daycare. It was pretty sad...I've worked there for over a year. But its been good, and hopefully I can return next year :)
Here is a first draft of my mission letter, I'd love it if everyone could pray for me and the team I am joining!!
"Dear Friends and Family,
This past
January God opened a door for me to do something I had been praying to do for
years-serve Him on a foreign mission trip! I will be joining a church in Mississippi
working with Go World Missions ( Our plan is to serve
the people of Peru
for a little more than a week during the Christmas holiday by providing meals
and handing out Bibles. In addition to this, we hope to raise enough money to
buy toys and shoes for the children there. By serving the people of Peru,
we can show them God’s love and hopefully open their hearts to Him.
I need two
things in order for this to happen. First and always foremost, we need prayer!
Please pray that our trip there and back again is safe and simple. Also that everyone
in our party remains in good health but most importantly that the people of Peru
open their hearts to the message that we are bringing them.
Second is
raising the funds. In order to go I need to raise $2,300. I know God will
provide the money that I need in order to go. The money will go towards airfare
mostly as well as ground transportation, the expense of staying there and the
food that we will be serving.
If you
would be willing to support me in one or both of these areas I would be extremely
grateful! I cannot wait to see what all God has in store for us as we further
His kingdom!
Heidi Rochelle
He said to them, “Go into all
the world and preach the gospel to all creation
.-Mark 16:15"
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Closing and Beginning
The London Olympics have reached their conclusion and with them I'm beginning to reach my own. Next Thursday I'll be packing up and driving off to open a new chapter of my life at school away from home. Its my second year in college, but this year I'm actually attending school away from home.
It's been a bit nerve-wracking getting ready for it. I'm the first kid to leave home for school so its been a learning experience for my parents and myself on the Do's and Don'ts for preparing for school.
This week is my last week of work and then I'll be saying goodbye to my kids until next summer sadly. I'm ready for a break from them, I need some time to not be around kids...but I'm going to miss them so much!! I know I'm going to cry at some point this week by saying goodbye to all of them.
I've made the computer switch from PC to Apple, and it's different for sure.
Well I'm going to end this because I am completely distracted by the giant blowup octopus in the middle of the London Stadium for the closing ceremony, but I promise there will be more blogs to come in the next few weeks! Goodnight all!!
It's been a bit nerve-wracking getting ready for it. I'm the first kid to leave home for school so its been a learning experience for my parents and myself on the Do's and Don'ts for preparing for school.
This week is my last week of work and then I'll be saying goodbye to my kids until next summer sadly. I'm ready for a break from them, I need some time to not be around kids...but I'm going to miss them so much!! I know I'm going to cry at some point this week by saying goodbye to all of them.
I've made the computer switch from PC to Apple, and it's different for sure.
Well I'm going to end this because I am completely distracted by the giant blowup octopus in the middle of the London Stadium for the closing ceremony, but I promise there will be more blogs to come in the next few weeks! Goodnight all!!
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