I can't believe its October already! I blinked and September is gone. Next monthI can start listening o Christmas music!
So I've been here for about 7 weeks now, and I'm still loving it as much as when I first started. Carey really has become home. It's weird to admit that, but its true. I'm really enjoying the weather getting cooler, I get to wear my jackets, scarves and gloves. That and I can sit outside and not burn up.
Last week was Carey Fest, a mini fall fest for the students, workers and their families here on campus. They had food, face painting, pumpkin smashing and 3 different inflatable bounce things. Thats something I missed at Kilgore, student activities. I didn't feel apart of the school body in any way but attending classes. Here when stuff goes on, I know about it, I attend i, I have fun and hang out with different people. I didn't get that at Kilgore.
This morning the BSU hosted a Prayer Walk. We met at 6:30am, then proceeded to walk to every building in campus and pray for all the people that would go in and out of them. It was cold, our noses and ears froze, we were sleep deprived, but it was totally worth it. I love being able to fellowship and do things like this with other believers in an environment that encourages us. There are so many places in the world where they can't worship freely the way we can here. But sadly, we lose sight of that and take it for granted way to often. I tried to get a few people to come join us and they said they would, if they didn't have that 8am class they would come. I'd come to prayer breakfast on Fridays, but its my only day to sleep in. I just didn't feel like coming.
Its sad how often we say stuff like that. We have such a freedom here, and we really don't do anything with it. We don't go to church if the cars broken and its a 5 mile drive. There are people who hike 5 hours so they can go to church. I'd hate to think of what America would be like if we had to do that...I think most of our churches would become nonexistent.
We're praying for a revival for our nation and for one specifically here at Carey. I can see it in certain people here. Its wonderful when you can see God shining through people, and I see that here. I hope people can see it when they look at me. We have the potential for great things.
"Expect great things; attempt great things".
How fitting that William Carey himself said that. If we want great things from God, if we are expecting them, we have to be willing to step out and do great things for Him.
If we do that, if we step out of our comfort zone, make small sacrifices here and there, turn our lives completely over to Him, can you imagine the amazing things He could accomplish through us?
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