Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Stand for What's Right.

So class on Monday had an interesting turn of events. My Sociology teacher requested that everyone stand up at the front of the class. There she had written "agree" and "disagree" on different sides of the board. The purpose was, she would read a question and we would move to whichever side we agreed with. I knew immediantly what question would be somewhere on that list and my brain begain trying to decide what to do. It started off with would you date someone who wasn't apart of your race. Most of us moved to the agree side. There isn't anything wrong with that. Next was would your parents be okay with you dating someone of a different race. A few of us moved to the disagree side though most remained on the agree side. A few things went on and then came the one that I had known was coming, even if it was worded different. "If you were at a party and a gay couple came in and started holding hands etc, would you be okay with that?" Bascially are you okay with gay people.

I'll admit, my first response was to just go with the group, I didn't want to stand out and didn't want to have attention drawn to me on this aspect. Then I asked myself why I was thinking like that. The Bible says that marriage is between one man and one woman. So this is wrong, so no I'm not okay with it. And if it goes against what my God says, and if I am against it, then I need to be brave and stick with that, no matter what. Only 3 of us were uncomfortable with it. Then the same question was asked about lesbians and one of the guys moved to the agree side because he liked them. (That guy really makes everyone mad. He doesn't want to be around gay guys because he thinks all they want to do is have sex with him, but he's okay with lesbians because he HOPES they will have sex with him. Creep. He's so messed up, you can't be okay with lesbians but not okay with gays, its one way or the other.)

I was reminded of the saying "Stand up for what is right, even if you're standing alone." Turns out I wasn't alone, but we were a big minority. Even though it was hard, its what we have to do, and I'm glad I did.

Now I'm not a homophobe, I won't ignore you or be majorly uncomfortable with you if you are gay/lesbian. I just think you're wrong and don't agree with your choice. I've had friends who are gay, I have friends who act gay, am I still their friend yes. But I don't agree with what they do. Its gross.

Another hard topic that raises a whole bunch of thoughts and emotions from a lot of people, but there you go.

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Hunger Games-Thoughts

So Saturday I took my little sister to see The Hunger Games, it was GREAT!

First though, the movie was almost ruined for me by the fact they played a Twilight preview, burned my eyes! I was trying to make it through without seeing one. I was so mad! Anyway. Moving on. (I don't want to go into details in case someone reading this hasn't seen it or read the books.)

I was pleased with how faithful the movie was to the book. I can't remember the last time I saw a movie that was so true to the book! But I was wondering how they could keep the horror of the Games without being to graphic. By jumping the camera views, switching the camera right before the act is committed so you know what happened but don't see it. The only ones you actually see clearly is a boy shot with an arrow and the death of Rue, a spear through the stomach which she pulls out, but its nothing to gross. For watching the girl die, it is surprisingly calm.

I know a lot of people are thinking that this movie is evil, sick and twisted. At first glance it does seem like that. A live broadcast of 24 teens fighting to the death for entertainment? It's gruesome! We fail to make the connection between this and our own reality TV. Think of the shows we watch for entertainment. Survivor, Fear Factor, The Bachelor, Big Brother, Toddlers and Tiaras, 16 and Pregnant. What do we do for our few minutes of fame? What do we watch to get entertainment. People try to find love, compete for money, turn on each other to keep in the show. We watch teens going through pregnancy and raising kids as girls younger and younger are exposed to a beauty stress no one should ever have to experience. What does this say about us?

The Hunger Games is not about a bunch of teens going in to fight to the death. It's about a people who are in repression, forced to endure these "games" as a reminder to never again rebel against their leaders. The 24 Tributes are a reminder of that rebellion, the one winner is a symbol of mercy, which also gives hope.

President Snow reminds us of this halfway through the movie. A little hope is a good thing. It keeps the people in line, keeps them from giving up on life. But to much hope is a dangerous thing. Katniss comes to symbolize this hope in the people. Her memorial to Rue, her determination to last, what she and Peeta accomplish and how they do it spark the flame deep in the hearts of the oppressed Districts.

If you read the books and stop after the first one, then on the surface, it does seem like that's the extent. 24 teens forced to kill each other. That's why you keep reading.

I'm sure adult books have been written that seem like this. What turns many people off is the fact it's a young adult/teen book series that focus' on the teens. Children forced to turn on each other sickens us. That's the point.

We sympathize with these characters. Parents wonder how could they survive the agony of 7 years per child of praying their child would make it another year. Teens wonder if they would really be willing to kill to survive. How can people be so afraid that they would endure this?

I cried all the way through the books. I cried when Katniss volunteered to take her sisters place; when she said her goodbyes' several moments with Peeta; when Rue was killed; the ending when Katniss realizes the end is only the beginning. In the movie I cried again at those parts along with the scene when Katniss is almost ready to enter the arena, a few of the deaths, the final moment of the game as Peeta touches Katniss' hair ever so gently as he prepares to die.

We in America especially don't understand what it means to truly suffer. We complain when prices go up, a storm cuts out our electricity, a restaurant is out of our favorite food. Most families have more than 1 car. We have TV, radio's, good for weeks, constant electricity, phones, music players, more stuff than we really need, hot water, air conditioners, the list goes on. How about 3rd world countries, where running water is a river. They don't use electricity during the day so they *might* have some that night. The doctor is a day or two journey away. They have just a few changes of clothes, walk everywhere and are (some of them) oppressed by the law.

Our freedoms here are amazing! The Hunger Games, if read with an open mind, show us what we could be. With our world as screwed up as it is, whats to stop us from going that far?

Would I let my 10yr old son go watch this movie? No. My 13yr old? If they first read the books and understood it. That is up to you as a parent. If you don't get any of what I did out of it would it still be good? Absolutely. These are just my thoughts on the subject.

To wrap this up ( I hadn't set out to write a defense and explanation I swear! ) The movie was great. The acting was realistic, things were explained fairly well, the Capital was astounding, and the movie flowed. This is so much longer than I planned. Just go watch the movie and read the books. You'll be glad you did!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Back To Normal

First off, I want to apologize again for not writing much last week! Spring Break is Spring Break, and then I went to visit a friend for the weekend and just got back yesterday. But here we go, back into schedules and almost done with school!!! Anyone else excited about this?? I know I am!

Its storming over here which I love because its perfect stay home and be lazy weather! And since I don't have any homework due tomorrow ( a pleasant surprise ) I can afford to read and write all day with the exception of work.

3 days until the Hunger Games come out! Anyone excited? I know I am. I'm going to take my little sister to see it this weekend most likely. I'm looking forward to it! Spring is finally here so I think I can put away all my winter stuff. The trees are budding, flowers blooming, and no more drought! I love looking out my window to see this sea of green everywhere.

Well, I do have things to do today, so this is all you get. Pip-pip cherrio!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lucky...Yeah its not You.

Okay so Spring Break isn't really turning out the way I figured it would. Lots more to do than I originally expected and things that I thought were figured out are going completely in the other direction and the stress has been just barely bearable. Both yesterday and today, things have popped up that I didn't completely expect.

Just some thoughts...why is it that some people seem to have all the luck? They always get things worked out their way, its never that big a deal. Yeah sure they go on about how hard something was but really it wasn't that bad. They barely had to do anything to make it work out in their favor. Then there's you. Who has to fight tooth and nail to make things work, and then by the time you get it all figured out you can't really enjoy it because of all the stress that it caused. It's almost worth throwing it away because you can't enjoy it and its just easier if you throw it out and never bother with it again. But if you do go through with it...there is no joy in it. Now you're doing it basically because it is a shame to throw all that hard work down the drain. But even then, you know that the lucky person will still be going off about how hard things have been, and just because they have all the luck, you know that they will get more attention than you. More people will feel sorry for them than you just because they make such a big deal about it, and you have learned to suffer in silence.

Not the most uplifting story ever, but its thoughts that I can't get out of my head.


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Spring Forward

Don't forget to set your clocks forward an hour tonight!! Sadly everyone loses an hour of sleep tonight.

I apologize for my lack of keeping up with my posts, but things have been slightly crazy around here as of late.
I promise tomorrow I shall get back into the real swing of things! Until then, as it is after 10pm and I still have to at least put my room into somewhat of an order before I go to sleep, I bid you all farewell!

(Ok ok, elevated language is a result of just finishing the movie Pride and Prejudice)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Butterfly Project

Alright, this may seem a little bit stupid, but do it. Please. I found this on facebook and have to share it.

Onto brighter news, its raining here. Pouring down rain, somebody almost wrecked me on the way home. Also, one of my kids asked me if there was a Mr. Heidi. I just cracked up! I really love my kids at work. They're awesome!

One more day of school and then SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!! Yeah my work hours bump up from 4 hours a day to 5 hours and 15 min, but that's no biggie. Means a bigger check next time! Next Friday I am going out of town to visit a friend and won't be back til Monday afternoon, so I have to take my poetry exam tomorrow. So I am going in at 9am, taking the exam, then going to my last English class and covering the final bits of the poetry exam. Not the coolest thing in the world but I'll make it! Cramming tonight, totally cramming. Then I'M FREE!!!!! Whoopee!! Words cannot express my excitement about the upcoming week. Mostly the weekend.

Off to eat dinner with the family and then going over my 100+ note cards for English. (I really don't think I'm exaggerating that much on the number.)

About The Butterfly Project. You might think its stupid, its not really going to change anything, but its a symbol. I saw it...had to do it. This is really personal to me, and maybe even to one of you. You'd be surprised by the people that cut, sometimes it's people you never would expect.

~2 Timothy 1:7-For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.~

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Part of Me

I always had a journal laying around my room somewhere. I can't remember how old I was when I started writing...I kept going off and on over the years. Mostly it was typical little girl stuff that I just threw out cause no way in the world was ANYONE including myself going to ever read that. Then in 2010, I started a journal at camp and one of my best friends encouraged me to really keep it up. Though she didn't start my obsession like she thinks she did!

I'm to the point now where if I don't have my journal in my purse or at least within reach of me I go a little bit nuts. I once left my journal at work from a Friday night to Monday afternoon and felt so out of it that weekend. Last night, I crawled into bed and wrote for a good hour about stuff, writing things I would never say out loud. I have a feeling I might do the same thing tonight. I'm the girl who carries it into ever class at school and writes before class starts and in the halls.

Sometimes its a play by play of what is going on around me, sometimes its just a thought I can't get out of my head, replay of a previous conversation or just something I don't trust anyone else with. If someone ever got hold of my journals I'd kill them to get them back.

My journal is great for reflection on my thoughts. And one thing that I've noticed is that whenever I go through an emotional breakdown, its normally because my journal is no where near me and I haven't written in it for awhile. But even if there isn't an entry in there, just having it close is comforting!

So yes...this was completely besides anything that any of you really would like to read about, just some thoughts I am having at this point in time. (Probably because my current journal is laying open right in front of me)

Goodnight my little otters, sweet dreams!

~Psalm 147:11- The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear Him, in those that hope in His mercy.~

Monday, March 5, 2012

Even Perfect Days Can End In Rain

Today started out like any other. It was beautiful weather, classes weren't that bad. But its turned into a bit of a drag honestly. I wrote out several note cards for English (a few inches thick). So all that is left is to write a paragraph etc and turn it in on Wednesday. But I also have to start writing some other stuff and study for a poetry exam to be taken on Friday. Its over poetry, which I can't stand. some news that wasn't really that great for me, and I'm torn about it. One the one hand, there really is no reason for it to be a problem. Okay, I have a reason, and if you knew the whole story you would understand, but its not that big a deal. On the other...I was really hoping this would go a certain way and its not going at all like I want to. I'm a bit selfish and I don't want to be. I've been struggling with it all night and I really hate it! I should be happy there is a possibility of it happening at all...but part of me is scared it will turn out like my nightmares keep showing and I'll regret the whole situation. Also, I'll feel even more guilty if I don't do a task I was asked too...even though I have practically every reason in the world not to do it, someone else suffers if I can't go through with it. And I don't want that to happen...but I can't always go out of my way to make things happen. I'm already pushing my limits as it is to make this thing work. Less than two weeks for final decisions to be made...and honestly I don't know how this is going to play out. I'm so scared that I'll regret something, or it won't work at all, or my jealousy will kick in again, or just in general that its going to happen and halfway through it, again I'm going to wish that I had never done it.

Today started out as such a great was fun, I visited the library and checked out some books I haven't read in ages, then I got to work and things just started coming apart... Not to mention that the kids were really bad it Friday yet?

Goodnight my little otters. Hoping your dreams are sweeter than mine....

~1 Thessalonians 5:16-18- Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.~

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Let the Races Begin!!!

Tonight my church held the Grand Prix for everyone in the church!

Everyone in my family came home with a prize of some sort. I had an interesting car. I think I mentioned yesterday that I wasn't able to make my own car so I raced one of my dads. In the first heat, it messed up and rammed into the car to the left of it! We ran it again, same thing. So the judges allowed me to nab an old one that my sister did and run that one. Even with my disqualification from the first round, I still managed to come in 4th!! All credit goes to my sister for that one, I had no part in any cars this year.

Anyway, it has come to my attention that it is after 10pm! I really need to sleep...but I"m having a fun facebook convo with a friend. So I'm just going to finish this and write more later!!

Goodnight my little otters! <3

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Winnie the Pooh!

Tonight my dad and I went on a date to see a theatre performance of "Winnie the Pooh". Bravo! Very well done! It wasn't your usual story, but it was still super cute. I was able to see some theatre friends I haven't seen in ages, so that was fun as well.

Tomorrow out church is having the AWANA Grand Prix. My sister started it up again and put it together, so it will be interesting to see how it works out. I, sadly, was unable to do my Perry the Platypus car like I wanted so I am racing the second car my dad built. He has one for design and one for racing. I simply didn't have the time to put into making a car, which was disappointing. 

I managed to take my mom shopping for over 2 hours and she survived! No yelling, no getting super frustrated and so I count that as a success. She hates shopping more than anything else in the world, I'm pretty sure.

Now its off to bed, crossing my fingers that my plans for Spring Break come together...goodnight all!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Journey 2: Review!!!

So tonight some friends and I decided on a whim to go see Journey 2: The Mysterious Island! It was super good and the 3D effects were AWESOME! So if anyone out there has doubts about the 3D of it, it was much better.

Yeah I'm not qualified to give an actual review, just my thoughts on the movie. So here goes!

First off, the cast was great! Having Michael Cain in this was stellar. I have loved watching him since Miss Congeniality and he's never a bore. Pleasantly, Vanessa H. did alright for a former Disney girl. Her acting has gotten better since HSM. Though why did she have to kiss Josh?? I mean really...they don't look that great together! That and back off V, you have hundreds of angry fangirls after you now, especially when the Hunger Games finally comes out in 3 weeks.

The action was okay, lots of running away from giant creatures and near the amount you might thing but it was well done. I really want a giant fuzzy bee to carry me everywhere now! Plus add in the 3D was pretty good! This movie was definitely made to watch in 3D, otherwise all those slow shots of sharp objects flying everywhere wouldn't be as stunning!

I think my main draw to it, was that they take these from books and throw in Atlantis along with Captain Nemo! As a book nerd, it amazes me anytime someone makes a movie where you follow the adventures of a book. Sometimes you believe that there really are worlds out there just waiting to be discovered by us, ones that the authors were lucky enough to discover but the only other people they want to share it with have to be worthy of it-that is why they write all those books. Like Tolkien, or C.S. Lewis. Tolkien created such a fantastic world that is easy to lose yourself in it. And Lewis? I still check wardrobes whenever I find them for Narnia...and I"m almost 19 years old! (Oh, they showed the preview for The Hobbit, and just hearing the first few notes of that well known theme, my friend and I both gasped fairly loudly while I sang along to Thorin's song. Yes, I have watched the trailer so many times that I know the song-don't hate.)

Keep in mind that I am a teenaged girl captivated by beautiful scenery, Josh H. and mythology along with a crazy obsession for books. At the beginning, a page is ripped out of three books and I screamed at the horror of it, not even joking. I don't care if you do need it for a map, you don't just go ripping pages out of books!!!

Anyway, here I will end because its getting kinda late and I have had a long day. So long!

~Proverbs 3:3- Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.~