Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day of Rest?

Has anyone else noticed that sometimes Sunday seems to be the busiest day of the week? We get up in the morning, come home for lunch and a few hours of "rest" and then go back to church for a few more hours. Sometimes the hours of "rest" between services and when we get home is filled with last minute homework, preparing for something else going on at church, catching up on household chores that may not have gotten done on Saturday, or taking a nap because you are to exhausted for anything else.

It just seems that for the official day of rest, everyone spends most of it being fairly busy and productive.We start focusing more on prepping for church, all the extra activities at church (meetings, lunches, choir etc), getting ready for the new week approaching, things like that. Sundays can become more dreaded than Mondays! I know sometimes mine is.

So lets step back and remind ourselves what is special about Sundays. Its the Lords Day. Remember why we do the extra church activities that if we cut out would make our lives easier. Remember that even though everyday should be spent focusing on our Lord, Sundays should be a special day of praise for Him!

Prepare yourselves people, tomorrow is the dreaded Monday!!!!

~Psalm 118:24- This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it~

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