Once Upon a Time...
Don't ask me why I decided to use once upon a time as my first title, it just seemed like a fun idea. Growing up lots of our favorite stories started with once upon a time. Those words seem promising, like a great adventure is coming and we will want to hear it over and over again.
Life isn't exactly a fairy tale...but it is an adventure!
I decided to start this in case some teen or young adult happens to stumbling upon it and wouldn't mind reading it. As I said, life is an adventure, and we as teens and young adults are about to embark on the greatest one every: growing up! Maybe someone needs to read about someone else struggling along in life as well just so they know they aren't alone. I know I often feel like I am the only person in the universe who is going through what I'm going through at this point in time, but then I have to remind myself that I'm not alone. I know you others are out there as well, so here's to you!
You're not alone on this big scary adventure called life!!
Maybe only one person will ever read this...maybe no one will. But at least its out here. And also it gives me an outlet to have my thoughts out there.
I plan on updating once a day with at least a little something. Anything from music or movie reviews, to a lesson I learned, to a thought I had, just ramblings on stuff or just encouraging words. I'll also be posting a Bible verse at the end of every blog.
Today's is the main text from my Pastors sermon in church today. Paul talks about running a race and how we shouldn't quit.
~Philippians 3:14- I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.~
i read it sis. lol and no one is alone we all have friends or someone we can trust. =) love u sis and i think this blog is a great idea. i will read them as much as i can. =)