Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Part of Me

I always had a journal laying around my room somewhere. I can't remember how old I was when I started writing...I kept going off and on over the years. Mostly it was typical little girl stuff that I just threw out cause no way in the world was ANYONE including myself going to ever read that. Then in 2010, I started a journal at camp and one of my best friends encouraged me to really keep it up. Though she didn't start my obsession like she thinks she did!

I'm to the point now where if I don't have my journal in my purse or at least within reach of me I go a little bit nuts. I once left my journal at work from a Friday night to Monday afternoon and felt so out of it that weekend. Last night, I crawled into bed and wrote for a good hour about stuff, writing things I would never say out loud. I have a feeling I might do the same thing tonight. I'm the girl who carries it into ever class at school and writes before class starts and in the halls.

Sometimes its a play by play of what is going on around me, sometimes its just a thought I can't get out of my head, replay of a previous conversation or just something I don't trust anyone else with. If someone ever got hold of my journals I'd kill them to get them back.

My journal is great for reflection on my thoughts. And one thing that I've noticed is that whenever I go through an emotional breakdown, its normally because my journal is no where near me and I haven't written in it for awhile. But even if there isn't an entry in there, just having it close is comforting!

So yes...this was completely besides anything that any of you really would like to read about, just some thoughts I am having at this point in time. (Probably because my current journal is laying open right in front of me)

Goodnight my little otters, sweet dreams!

~Psalm 147:11- The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear Him, in those that hope in His mercy.~

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