Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Stand for What's Right.

So class on Monday had an interesting turn of events. My Sociology teacher requested that everyone stand up at the front of the class. There she had written "agree" and "disagree" on different sides of the board. The purpose was, she would read a question and we would move to whichever side we agreed with. I knew immediantly what question would be somewhere on that list and my brain begain trying to decide what to do. It started off with would you date someone who wasn't apart of your race. Most of us moved to the agree side. There isn't anything wrong with that. Next was would your parents be okay with you dating someone of a different race. A few of us moved to the disagree side though most remained on the agree side. A few things went on and then came the one that I had known was coming, even if it was worded different. "If you were at a party and a gay couple came in and started holding hands etc, would you be okay with that?" Bascially are you okay with gay people.

I'll admit, my first response was to just go with the group, I didn't want to stand out and didn't want to have attention drawn to me on this aspect. Then I asked myself why I was thinking like that. The Bible says that marriage is between one man and one woman. So this is wrong, so no I'm not okay with it. And if it goes against what my God says, and if I am against it, then I need to be brave and stick with that, no matter what. Only 3 of us were uncomfortable with it. Then the same question was asked about lesbians and one of the guys moved to the agree side because he liked them. (That guy really makes everyone mad. He doesn't want to be around gay guys because he thinks all they want to do is have sex with him, but he's okay with lesbians because he HOPES they will have sex with him. Creep. He's so messed up, you can't be okay with lesbians but not okay with gays, its one way or the other.)

I was reminded of the saying "Stand up for what is right, even if you're standing alone." Turns out I wasn't alone, but we were a big minority. Even though it was hard, its what we have to do, and I'm glad I did.

Now I'm not a homophobe, I won't ignore you or be majorly uncomfortable with you if you are gay/lesbian. I just think you're wrong and don't agree with your choice. I've had friends who are gay, I have friends who act gay, am I still their friend yes. But I don't agree with what they do. Its gross.

Another hard topic that raises a whole bunch of thoughts and emotions from a lot of people, but there you go.

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