Friday, September 14, 2012

Latin and Spanish

So for the first time ever, I am required to sing a song in Latin.

I know how to sing, I can sing a high soprano, give me a song in English and I can learn it pretty fast! But hand me a song in Latin with a high soprano part that just moves and moves VERY quickly, I'm completely lost. I'm just making sounds and so when I go up high it sounds horrible and I know it. I have no clue what I am singing and it bothers me.

But for once of our performances we are singing a song in Latin, so I might as well suck it up and learn it!

I understand why they would have us do something like this in choir. It really is a beautiful language when its sung and when the basses sing certain parts I get goosebumps, but it really is annoying. I thought Spanish was hard!

Speaking of Spanish, I met a kid here who lived in Peru for 7 years and speaks Spanish fluently. The other night I came across him studying a textbook and I asked what he was studying. "I'm studying for my Spanish test tomorrow". Turns out Peruvian Spanish is different from the Spanish he was learning slightly. He gave me an example. He told me a Spanish phrase and told me what it meant to him in Peruvian Spanish. Basically it was I don't care. Not his exact translation but you get what I mean. But in the book, the literal meaning of the phrase was "I don't give a darn". For some reason that just made me laugh. He showed me, that is the exact wording from the book. I need to have him teach me that phrase in Spanish.

Well thats enough for now, laters!

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