So I've been here a month! In some ways it doesn't seem like I've been here that long and others I feel like I've been here forever. Right now I'm procrastinating some homework while waiting for the season premier of Castle. Next Monday we don't have classes because the school is hosting something so we all have cut classes. It would be nice to take full advantage of it but I'm going to be out until late Saturday evening because I'm going to be on a field trip with some other students for our major.
SO! Here's a general update.
Contrary to popular belief, having one of my best friends as my roommate has not caused the campus to explode and we're getting along just fine. Community bathrooms aren't to bad, its just like being at camp though everyone takes showers at different times so we don't have to wait for the other girls to get mud off. We go to bed at the same time and I normally wake up around the time she goes if she's up first and she just sleeps through me getting ready when I get up first.
My classes are going fairly well, I'm in the school Opera now instead of voice class for chorus in the last scene. I'm going to miss voice but being back in a theatre setting is something to look forward too.
As far as social life goes I guess its pretty good. I have some friends in different classes and my dorm. I'm not a hermit who sits up in my room all that time like I was slightly scared I'd do. I spend a lot of time with my roommate, but not all the time. I'm getting more and more out of my comfort zone which is great for me. New experiences, new friends, new things, just new everything and I'm loving it.
I still have some problems that I'm working through, I still have bad days and there are days when I really don't want to do anything. But overall its amazing here and I'm so glad that I'm here! I"m going to go now because I'm watching Castle finale before the premier on another computer with some friends and I have a feeling we'll get sucked into that.
Laters everyone, until next time.
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