Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Joy of Being a Music Major

I think the best thing about being a music major is that I have access to the music building whenever I want. Whether its 9am, 2:45pm, 9:28pm or Midnight. My school ID is programed to get me into the building whenever I want. Some of us used it last week to hook up a computer to a projector and watch Batman! I can get in and practice the piano whenever I would like, its turning out to be fairly handy!

That and I get to use the little door on the side of the building and don't have to walk all the way to the middle front to get in. That's just me being lazy, but it was annoying passing that door and not being able to get in! Like I would have to walk from my dorm, around the building, pass the smaller door, go in the front then walk back in the direction I had come to go up a flight of stairs into my classroom. It was just annoying really and I hated doing it. But its all fixed now and I can be slightly lazy again! I don't worry to much about it because I have to go up and down 3 flights of stairs multiple times a day. SO, I think I'm allowed to be a little bit lazy on this. But the nice thing is if I ever get bitten by the work out bug late at night all I have to do is go walk up and down the stairs several times and I'll be good!


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