Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Power of Love Between Friends

Power of Love Between Friends.

That was the title of my Bible devotion today. It was about David and Jonathan, an example at how we should love our friends. In todays world, I can see how (sadly) this would be taken as something completely opposite as what it really was between the two of them. They were best friends and nothing ever stood in the way of that friendship. Not even Saul who tried to kill David. Jonathan saved David's life and David would not kill Saul because he knew that Saul was the appointed king and also that he would hurt Jonathan if he killed his father. 

That should be the extend of our love between friends. So often we let petty arguments destroy something wonderful and lasting. Friends look past outward appearances and see what's on the inside of us. Even though you may fight and argue, you still love each other. One minute you could be yelling at each other, both are in tears, and then 20 minutes later you're talking/hugging it out then go sneak candy into the theatre at a kids movie. That's possible because of the love that you have for each other. Its not romantic, its a tie thats stronger than fleeting feelings. 

I grieve for you, Jonathan my brother, you were very dear to me. Your love for me was wonderful, more wonderful than that of women. -2 Samuel 1:26

That isn't meant to be taken in a homosexual way, any more than 2 girls sharing a chair might be or 2 guys hugging. Too often friendships are treated as something they aren't. Two girls can't be super close best friends because people might start whispering about them. Two guys can't be super close because people might wonder what exactly is going on. A guy and a girl are best friends? Oh, they must be dating! To often things are twisted into what they aren't. 

But real friendship doesn't matter. You put aside the whispers, the rumors. You take your stand that what you're doing isn't wrong and then you go on, let people think what they want. A friendship is to important to throw away. 

Today I'm going to encourage you to call up your best friends and tell them how much you love them. Don't ever take them for granted. I've had fights with some of my best friends, things always work out in the end. I've also done the hard thing...I've lost a best friend. Now that they are gone, I can't even begin to describe how much I miss that person. I knew that if they left I'd miss out on some things, but I never thought the pain of losing that person would hurt as much as it does. 

So call up your friends, tell them how much they mean to you. Maybe you're currently fighting with a friend, call and apologize and ask them out to lunch or something. If you're truly best friends, then your love for each other will win in the end. 

"Poor are those who must define all love in terms of romance alone. Rich indeed are those who can say, 'I have a friend-we love each other.' In these friends' confident love every sunrise is welcomed, every crisis is easier, every pain has counsel, and every midnight is safe."

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. - Proverbs 17:17

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